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Winter items for your car - car accessories for the winter

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Since winter is the season when most accidents happen, it is important to thoroughly prepare the car for the season. Cold temperatures have a major impact on traffic and the vehicle itself. Winterize your car to keep your passengers and other road users safe and to feel comfortable while driving. In our online shop you will find modern means that protect your car from frost. Browse the Q-Parts24 shop now and find the right items to get through the winter comfortably and safely.

Antifreeze, heated seats and ice scrapers at Q-Parts 24

The winter temperatures like to play tricks on the drivers and iron doors and windows. To prevent these inconveniences, it is worth using special means. The care stick for rubber door seals ensures problem-free entry into the vehicle and opening the doors in sub-zero temperatures. This prevents the doors from freezing, maintains the seals and thus increases their longevity. In order not to have to heat up the car for a long time to drive off, it is worth investing in a windscreen cover. This collects the ice and snow and can be easily removed before driving. After that, the disc is clear and a clear view is granted. If the pane should ice up, the simple ice scraper will help. Our range includes ice scrapers with integrated gloves to keep your hands warm, ice scrapers with whisks and ice scrapers with telescopic extensions. Heated seats provide a bit of comfort while driving. These warm up the driver in cold temperatures with back heating. You can easily mount them on the seat.

Clear vision and safety in sub-zero temperatures

It is very important to have a clear view at all times while driving. In the winter months, this can be made more difficult by the sub-zero temperatures outside. The wiper water can freeze very quickly when wiping the windshield. A window antifreeze prevents this, because the liquid is resistant to high minus temperatures. In addition, modern antifreeze has also been developed for the care of the windows. Another area where you need antifreeze is the radiator, because the coolant in the engine is also at risk of freezing. The consequence of this would be that your vehicle would no longer be roadworthy. You can easily prevent this situation with a suitable radiator antifreeze.