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Buy Alpina car parts cheap online at Q-Parts24

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At Q-Parts24 you can buy parts and accessories for your Alpina vehicle at low prices. Find the right wear part and spare part in our online shop, which you can conveniently receive by invoice within 48 hours. The Q-Parts24 parts catalogue for Alpina models contains the right spare part for all vehicle series and models.

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Alpina history

ALPINA Bovensiepen GmbH + Co. KG produces approximately 1,200 to 1,500 cars per year based on BMW components according to individual customer requirements. The company was founded in 1965 with eight employees in Kaufbeuren. Initially, the focus was on the further development of BMW engines, but in 1983 the company was officially registered as a car manufacturer by the Federal Motor Transport Authority in Flensburg. Today, 200 employees work for the Buchloe-based car manufacturer. In addition to its own production workshops, the Bavarian company has, among other things, a state-of-the-art development centre, its own prototype construction as well as its own saddlery and manufactures special car parts in small series itself.