Service: +49 0811 29993232
Fast delivery
1 month return policy
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{[ basketItem.itemTitle ]}
Quantity: {[ basketItem.quantity ]}
{[ formatPrice(basketItem.price * basketItem.quantity, basket.currency) ]} ({[ formatPrice(basketItem.price, basket.currency) ]})
{[ formatPrice(basket.costOfGoods, basket.currency) ]}
no articles in the shopping cart


Warranty request

Warranty period:

Items in our range are generally guaranteed for 2 years, valid from the date of order.

Warranty claim:

Contact our customer service and send a photo proof of the defective item. Afterwards you will receive a GWA, which you must fill out and return to us with the product. Please note that the processing time is 6-8 weeks, because the claim has to be forwarded to the manufacturer.

FAQ Warranty claim

  • How long does the item have warranty? 

All products have 2 years warranty from the date of order.

  • How do I apply for a warranty claim? 

Send a problem to the customer service by mail, we will send everything else. 

  • How long does the warranty claim take? 

6-8 weeks 

  • How do I claim a defective item? 

Report the problem by e-mail to the customer service, we will send you everything else.